Monday, May 23, 2011

More Reflections...continued

You have to get better soon.  How am I supposed to learn these damn tunes on my own.  My wife is getting sick of hearing the first two bars of "St.Patrick's Day", since that is all I can play.  I hope to see  you soon.  C.D.

Hoping you get a speedy recovery.  Your a strong and healthy guy and I know you will get through this.  Besides your stubborn Irish temper will get you through anything.  See you soon. C.C.

You know it takes a lot to get a fellow Irishman into a hospital.  I think you went a little overboard here to get out of your quarterly evaluation.  Get well soon and come back and join us on midnights.  There aren't many of us missentropes left!  L.S

The most important thing I want to convey is how much you mean to so many people.  I sit here and watch people from all walks of life whose life you have touched and come to visit and offer comfort.  My family and I are praying for you constantly and hoping for a 100% recovery.  Your courage and strength are an inspiration to all of us.  I believe your physical condition and will to survive will serve you well as you continue to improve and make a full recovery.  You are missed on midnights and I (we) are looking forward to seeing you again.  Wishing you the very best and with warmest regards.  P.S. My wife still remembers my promotion party and how much fun she had drinking with us.  The headlock and "nuggies" you gave me were the highlight of her evening (mine as well)!  She and her family extend their best wishes and they are praying for a full recovery.  G.G.

When you read this you'll figure out that I can write now!  Tim, yes this is the guy you trained.  Well you survived one hell of a wreck, so your expertise paid off.  You and your family will be in my prayers.  J.R.

T.G. here.  I don't know if you remember me or not.  I've been on day shift this past year.  You probably wouldn't recognize me either.  I have a tan now and I put on a few pounds.  I miss the midnight shift, but I think you would be better served if you came to the day shift with's safer!  I wish you a speedy recovery.  I know you will be back soon.  The AHPD won't be the same until you come back.  I'll continue to pray for you and visit every day until you're out of here.  God Bless - T.G.

Yesterday after day shift, a few of us caravaned out to LGH.  We didn't mind, but thought it would have been better if we kidnapped you and forced you down to Wrigley Field to see you favorite Cub team.  (ha ha ha - to a White Sox fan.)  All of your family are holding up remarkable well including your daughter.
I am back again, day two, and you are stable...and yourself - stubborn and fighting.  It's unfortunate that it takes a horrible incident to bring family and friends so close.  There is a constant stream of family and friends visiting and calling.  I can hear your voice saying, "What? It's not a big deal!"  Your're blessed to spend time with them.  In fact, your brother said, "The healing starts when the check clears!"  We're praying for a full and fast recovery.  I'll see you walking and grumbling soon!  S.H.

Hey Tim,
A short story about concern for you.  Last night, the kids were both working. So our grandkids were staying at our house.  My wife was laying in bed with both of the boys, when one asked, "How's papa doing?"  She told him that I was doing good but was kind of tired because of spending so much time at the hospital.  At this point, my other grandson interrupted saying, "Nani, get to the important stuff.  How's uncle Tim doin?"  So you rate high.
Also, I want to let you know that there have been so many of your guys from AHPD here.  All day and all night!  They have been great.  We've also had guys from MPPD, DPPD, PRPD and CPD here offering prayers, help, food, etc.
We were also talking about how you'd be pissed that everyone was making a big deal over you.  But just accept and heal thyself.
You are going to have to remind me to tell you about your hand signals.  We figured out what you were telling us the first night at the hospital, "I love ya man! - So what's the big deal!"
Your younger and better looking brother, T.S.

I have been talking to your son and it scares me to think about how smart he is.  I hope you wake up soon so we know you are going to be OK.  We have been talking about one of your offender sketches and how that guy is doing 8 years.  You son and I discussed how hard it is to drive when you are in the passenger seat!  My brother has been calling to check on your progress.  He is praying for you.  We have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers for your quick and total recovery.  You are too tough to have this slow you down for long.  M.B.

More excerpts tomorrow!

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