Friday, May 20, 2011

More Reflections…

With plans in motion for bringing my husband home soon, my head was whirling.  So much has transpired.  We were just an ordinary family in the neighborhood.  Now, I was making plans to redo my house to be able to accommodate a handicapped individual.  However, with my mind going a mile a minute, I had a moment to sit back and reflect back to the day of the accident.  A day did not go by without someone inquiring about my husband.  The men and women who worked with him were the most supportive group anyone could ever imagine.  They were truly a caring group and this crash happening to my husband affected them all.  The day my husband was taken to the hospital, this group of coworkers decided to start a book that anyone interested in, could write something to my husband expressing their thoughts and to let him know they were there for him.   I happened to pull out this book again and was re-reading their words.  I would like to share them with you now.  There are many, so I will post several over the next few days.

Hey Tim,
I was sitting here today with your family, friends and coppers from all over in a constant stream of visitors and phone calls.  It was amazing, the foot traffic never stopped.  At one point I counted 28 people here in the waiting room.  Everyone here was sharing stories and experiences we all have had with you.  We were laughing and crying (crying from laughing so hard!)  We did some praying too.  I was thinking about the many times we were together, both sober and well, maybe a little out of it! (i.e. New Orleans)  We always relied on each other to tell the other what happened the next day, ya know, when we were feeling a little better.
So, I was talking to one of the guys here and we thought, Timmy would want to know who was here and what they might have to say.  We were thinking a crime scene log might work just to keep attendance.  Instead we thought we would spend 99 cents on some notebook paper and start this book or log or diary, whatever you want to call it, in case anyone might want to say hello.  Also, so that you would know what went on around here while you were sleeping.
As I write this and reflect, I’ll be honest, it was tough when I got the phone call, because you mean so much to me.  Yeah, I’ll admit I cried a little (but it was only because I had something in my eye at the time.)  Then I started thinking what a tough, stubborn, opinionated Irishman you are and knew you would fight through this healing process and get back to work with us!
So that you would know, we love you man!  We “gotch ur back!”  I am “outta” words for now.
Get well soon!  M.K.

Right now a bunch of us from midnights are sitting in the waiting room with your family talking about you, of course, which I’m sure you would love to know!  We miss you on midnights.  Now the shift is too young, less calm, cool, grumpy etc.!  You are in all of our thoughts.  Get well soon, so I can talk and joke with you again soon!  M.L.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.  My family is also keeping you in their prayers.  I know that being the tough Irishman that you are, you will make a full and speedy recovery.  Myself and the whole midnight shift will miss you, but we will keep your beat warm for you.  I will be here for you and your family every step of the way!  J.C.

First of all we had plans to go to Dick’s today and you screwed that up!  No offense, but the sooner you get well, the less I will have to go by myself.  It’s not that I mind going by myself, it’s the expense I mind.  At least when I’m with you, somebody will pick up the tab! Ha ha ha!
As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, when we were there last, my wife took real good care of us!  I haven’t had service like that since, which makes me kinda wonder if, and maybe this is the wrong time to bring this up, she used my thirst to meet you!  Either way, I’m OK with it, because at least I get a round!  It’s a simple life, but you are essential to the equation.  Get well real quick!  Senior patrolman K.

A bunch of us are sitting here throwing jabs at each other and I keep thinking “Tim would be whacking us hard right now with his one-liners.”  I gotta say, I can’t wait to hear them again.  My family and friends are all praying for you to have a speedy and successful recovery.  If the amount of people that are coming to visit will in any way indicate the rate of your recovery, you’ll be well in no time!  N.C.

To be continued.....

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading through and well....what an amazing story. I have such deep respect for you. Seriously.
