Monday, June 6, 2011

More Reflections...continued 2/18/06

It's you old midnight pal from long ago.  Remember those days?  Well pal, I'm thinking about you and we have you in our prayers.  I will be here if you need anything.  I remember when I was in the hospital and I thought something was really wrong.  A lot of goofy thoughts go through your head, but every day, even the tough ones is one day better.  You will be through this an never look back pal.  Every day is better than the previous.  Take care Tim.  When you feel better, call me if and when your bored.  I'll get you laughing a little.  Take care until then Tim.  M.M.

I have been thinking about you ever since I heard about your crash.  You have been in my prayers.  I know being in a hospital is a real bummer.  I hope you get out of there as soon as possible and get back home.  If you need something or just want to talk, feel free to give me a call.  Get well and home soon. C.K.

Hey Tim,
It's Saturday afternoon and I'm here with your family.  You are steadily improving and things are looking good.  This is still unbelievable.  We are thinking about you and your family.  It seems like I was just standing by the back door watching you walk in after your shift and I was getting ready to start mine.  You never know when something can go wrong.  I hope to see you out running again soon and I hope you're ready to turn fifty.  All the people turning fifty this year are thinking about having a party and you better be there!  I'm praying for your to get better soon. J.K.

Spent part of Thursday evening here with Maryann, Katie and your brother.  Hadn't seen your brother since our "bureau days".  We laughed about many of those times and I told them that the first thing I'm going to do when you wake up is hand you an apple.  Figure it's about time you got even!  
We also laughed when I told Katie that you would read her "the riot act" if you knew she was missing school. 
All kidding aside, you cannot imagine all the prayers and thoughts that are with you.  We sit here patiently, but anxiously waiting for each and every word of encouragement from your doctors.  Hang tough my fiend.  I know that as stubborn (yeah you!) as you are, you will battle through this.  I look forward to hearing your open minded views of the state of our society and all the good "Democrats" in this world.
God bless you my friend.  Stay strong and don't every stop fighting.  You're the best!  Your partner, R.K.

I hope when your're reading this, you are feeling much better and well on you're way to a complete recovery.  I know we started the same time, but we really don't need to experience "everything" together.  My hope and my prayers are that you will recover even better than me and really learn to understand what I meant by "It's a Wonderful Life".  You will get to see just how many people love you and care about your and that is truly a "gift" that will come from this experience.  I hope you and your family know that I am here for you to help in any way I can.  You have always been a good friend, especially during my time of need and I am here for you if you need anything.  God Bless You!  C.T.  

It's tough for me to write on the back of the page since as will remember, I need my paper sideways.  
I have been on the phone more during the last 3 days than a teenager.  I'm doing my best to keep the band informed and encouraged about your progress.  There's definitely a lot of support and prayers from all  your Irish pals.  There has already been discussion about Cleveland this year.  Since I'm not a doctor I can't say if you will be able to travel by then.  But speaking of Cleveland, I got a very strange call yesterday.  It was an inquiry if you were actually driving a car assigned to you... followed by "keeping an eye out for you in Cleveland."  Ha ha ha!  I hope your recover and can play your own side jobs!  I'll do my best to fill your shoes...OK I won't play, but I will find someone suitable.  I will keep you in my prayers until you ask, "Why the hell are you doing that?"  S.M.

To be continued....

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