Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Date!

Today was a milestone day!  Tim and I had a date.  We actually went to see a movie.  Now I know you are thinking, big deal.  But for us it is a big deal.  We don't go on dates.  We go to doctor appointments, therapy, personal trainer and the grocery store.  But today we had a date!

I have been off for winter break these last couple of weeks.  And what a simply glorious break it has been. We have had time to spend with our family and friends, relax and be a little lazy. But today was a little different.  I know that people go the the movies all the time, but we don't. Tim having suffered a traumatic brain injury, movies aren't always the easiest thing to do.  We have unsuccessfully tried it in the past.  Depending on the type of movie, the actions, sounds and activity on the screen can be a problem.  People with brain injuries have a difficult time concentrating with all the massive amounts of stimulation going on. We have always treaded very lightly where movies are concerned.  So I was pleasantly surprised when I suggested we go to see this movie and my husband agreed.

However, I almost thought we weren't going to make it through the coming attractions.  They were loud and disjointed and Tim leaned over and said he thought we should leave.  I calmed him down and said that the movie we were seeing was not an action movie and we should just give it a couple minutes.  We did and I am happy to say that Tim is very glad that we stayed and watched the movie.  He really, really enjoyed it.  You see, he had read the book and had mentioned that he would like to see the movie when it came out.  So today when the opportunity presented itself, I couldn't have been happier that it ended up being such a success!  We even stopped and had a bite to eat afterwords!  

What a pleasant end to a great couple of weeks off and a wonderful accomplishment...sitting through an entire movie (that was not being shown on our TV) and actually enjoying it...just the two of us on a date!

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